Mary Higgins Clark has long been my favorite author. She is not only a master of suspense, but she turns out a page turner that is appropriate for even my young teens to listen to, and that is a good thing because more often than not I have a Mary Higgins Clark book on CD playing in the car while we drive.

Carolyn K. Reidy, President & CEO of Simon & Schuster said this about Mary Higgins Clark,
"Beginning in 1975 with the publication of WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN, each of her 56 books has been a bestseller. There are more than 100 million copies of her books in print in the United States; they are international bestsellers and have been translated into every major and many less well-known languages.
But these storied publishing accomplishments tell only a small part of the larger story that is Mary Higgins Clark. She was, simply, a remarkable woman who overcame an early life of hardship and challenges, never doubting her ability as a natural-born storyteller (and she was one for the ages), and who persevered through trial and rejection until she at last achieved her Holy Grail of being a published author."
She went on to say, " She was unique. Nobody ever bonded more completely with her readers than Mary did; she understood them as if they were members of her own family. She was always absolutely sure of what they wanted to read—and, perhaps more important, what they didn’t want to read—and yet she managed to surprise them with every book. She was the Queen of Suspense, it wasn’t just a phrase; she always set out to end each chapter on a note of suspense, so you just had to keep reading. It was at once a gift, but also the result of hard work, because nobody worked harder than Mary did on her books to deliver for her readers. She was also, unfailingly, cheerful under pressure, generous, good humored and warm-hearted, the least ‘temperamental’ of bestselling authors, and the most fun to be around. "

Mary Higgins Clark wrote 38 suspense novels, four collections of short stories, a historical novel, a memoir, and two children’s books. Beginning in 1975 with the publication of “Where are the Children,” which is set on the Cape, each of her 56 books has been a bestseller. More than 100 million copies of her books are in print in the United States alone.
The author had three places to call home, a home in Saddle River, N.J., a New York City apartment, and her home in Dennis, near the center of Cape Cod. Many of her books are set in that area.

My personal favorites are the "Under Suspicion" books she wrote with Alafair Burke which include, I've Got You Under my Skin, The Cinderella Murder, All Dressed in White, The Sleeping Beauty Killer, Every Breath You Take, and You Don't Own Me. I'm sad that there will be no more Under Suspicion books or other stories from this amazing author , who in her 90s was still turning out page turners. She had a sharp mind!
As a reader, I love her books. As an author, I wish I were her! I love her characters, and I envy the twists and turns in her plots that seem to come so effortlessly. But I'm sure she put in many hard hours of learning to write like that. And we the readers have benefited.
She will be missed.
If you've read her books, what was your favorite? Please comment below.