According to Google, February 7th is "Send a card to a friend day." In today's world, we don't send letters by mail anymore and rarely send greeting cards. We send e-cards and e-mails. We leave a comment on a face book page. Yet e-mail and facebook messages aren't nearly as personal or fun to receive as a greeting card or handwritten message.
That being said, when is the last time you sent or received a personal message by mail? If you can't remember, it's been too long.
So join me in sending a personal message to a friend, not just February 7th, but often. Just a sentence or two of encouragement or appreciation can make an impact on someone's day. And since it's only a week until Valentine's Day, you might want to combine a personal message with a Valentine's Card. Who will you send a card to today?

PS Does anyone know what today's postage rate is?
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